This is reference location.
Written by user jNizM (github )
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; =============================================================================================================================== ; AutoHotkey wrapper for FTP Sessions ; ; Author ....: jNizM ; Released ..: 2020-07-26 ; Modified ..: 2020-07-31 ; Github ....: ; Forum .....: ; =============================================================================================================================== class FTP { static hWININET := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "wininet.dll", "ptr") ; ===== PUBLIC METHODS ====================================================================================================== Close(hInternet) { if (hInternet) if (this.InternetCloseHandle(hInternet)) return true return false } Connect(hInternet, ServerName, Port := 21, UserName := "", Password := "", FTP_PASV := 1) { if (hConnect := this.InternetConnect(hInternet, ServerName, Port, UserName, Password, FTP_PASV)) return hConnect return false } CreateDirectory(hConnect, Directory) { if (DllCall("wininet\FtpCreateDirectory", "ptr", hConnect, "ptr", &Directory)) return true return false } DeleteFile(hConnect, FileName) { if (DllCall("wininet\FtpDeleteFile", "ptr", hConnect, "ptr", &FileName)) return true return false } Disconnect(hConnect) { if (hConnect) if (this.InternetCloseHandle(hConnect)) return true return false } FindFiles(hConnect, SearchFile := "*.*") { static FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY := 0x10 Files := [] find := this.FindFirstFile(hConnect, hEnum, SearchFile) if !(find.FileAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) Files.Push(find) while (find := this.FindNextFile(hEnum)) if !(find.FileAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) Files.Push(find) this.Close(hEnum) return Files } FindFolders(hConnect, SubDirectories := "*.*") { static FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY := 0x10 Folders := [] find := this.FindFirstFile(hConnect, hEnum, SubDirectories) if (find.FileAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) Folders.Push(find) while (find := this.FindNextFile(hEnum)) if (find.FileAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) Folders.Push(find) this.Close(hEnum) return Folders } GetCurrentDirectory(hConnect) { static MAX_PATH := 260 + 8 BUFFER_SIZE := VarSetCapacity(CurrentDirectory, MAX_PATH, 0) if (DllCall("wininet\FtpGetCurrentDirectory", "ptr", hConnect, "ptr", &CurrentDirectory, "uint*", BUFFER_SIZE)) return StrGet(&CurrentDirectory) return false } GetFile(hConnect, RemoteFile, NewFile, OverWrite := 0, Flags := 0) { if (DllCall("wininet\FtpGetFile", "ptr", hConnect, "ptr", &RemoteFile, "ptr", &NewFile, "int", !OverWrite, "uint", 0, "uint", Flags, "uptr", 0)) return true return false } GetFileSize(hConnect, FileName, SizeFormat := "auto", SizeSuffix := false) { static GENERIC_READ := 0x80000000 if (hFile := this.OpenFile(hConnect, FileName, GENERIC_READ)) { VarSetCapacity(FileSizeHigh, 8) if (FileSizeLow := DllCall("wininet\FtpGetFileSize", "ptr", hFile, "uint*", FileSizeHigh, "uint")) { this.InternetCloseHandle(hFile) return this.FormatBytes(FileSizeLow + (FileSizeHigh << 32), SizeFormat, SizeSuffix) } this.InternetCloseHandle(hFile) } return false } Open(Agent, Proxy := "", ProxyBypass := "") { if (hInternet := this.InternetOpen(Agent, Proxy, ProxyBypass)) return hInternet return false } PutFile(hConnect, LocaleFile, RemoteFile, Flags := 0) { if (DllCall("wininet\FtpPutFile", "ptr", hConnect, "ptr", &LocaleFile, "ptr", &RemoteFile, "uint", Flags, "uptr", 0)) return true return false } RemoveDirectory(hConnect, Directory) { if (DllCall("wininet\FtpRemoveDirectory", "ptr", hConnect, "ptr", &Directory)) return true return false } RenameFile(hConnect, ExistingFile, NewFile) { if (DllCall("wininet\FtpRenameFile", "ptr", hConnect, "ptr", &ExistingFile, "ptr", &NewFile)) return true return false } SetCurrentDirectory(hconnect, Directory) { if (DllCall("wininet\FtpSetCurrentDirectory", "ptr", hConnect, "ptr", &Directory)) return true return false } ; ===== PRIVATE METHODS ===================================================================================================== FileAttributes(Attributes) { static FILE_ATTRIBUTE := { 0x1: "READONLY", 0x2: "HIDDEN", 0x4: "SYSTEM", 0x10: "DIRECTORY", 0x20: "ARCHIVE", 0x40: "DEVICE", 0x80: "NORMAL" , 0x100: "TEMPORARY", 0x200: "SPARSE_FILE", 0x400: "REPARSE_POINT", 0x800: "COMPRESSED", 0x1000: "OFFLINE" , 0x2000: "NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED", 0x4000: "ENCRYPTED", 0x8000: "INTEGRITY_STREAM", 0x10000: "VIRTUAL" , 0x20000: "NO_SCRUB_DATA", 0x40000: "RECALL_ON_OPEN", 0x400000: "RECALL_ON_DATA_ACCESS" } GetFileAttributes := [] for k, v in FILE_ATTRIBUTE if (k & Attributes) GetFileAttributes.Push(v) return GetFileAttributes } FindData(ByRef WIN32_FIND_DATA, SizeFormat := "auto", SizeSuffix := false) { static MAX_PATH := 260 static MAXDWORD := 0xffffffff addr := &WIN32_FIND_DATA FIND_DATA := [] FIND_DATA["FileAttr"] := NumGet(addr + 0, "uint") FIND_DATA["FileAttributes"] := this.FileAttributes(NumGet(addr + 0, "uint")) FIND_DATA["CreationTime"] := this.FileTime(NumGet(addr + 4, "uint64")) FIND_DATA["LastAccessTime"] := this.FileTime(NumGet(addr + 12, "uint64")) FIND_DATA["LastWriteTime"] := this.FileTime(NumGet(addr + 20, "uint64")) FIND_DATA["FileSize"] := this.FormatBytes((NumGet(addr + 28, "uint") * (MAXDWORD + 1)) + NumGet(addr + 32, "uint"), SizeFormat, SizeSuffix) FIND_DATA["FileName"] := StrGet(addr + 44, "utf-16") FIND_DATA["AlternateFileName"] := StrGet(addr + 44 + MAX_PATH * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1), "utf-16") return FIND_DATA } FindFirstFile(hConnect, ByRef hFind, SearchFile := "*.*", SizeFormat := "auto", SizeSuffix := false) { VarSetCapacity(WIN32_FIND_DATA, (A_IsUnicode ? 592 : 320), 0) if (hFind := DllCall("wininet\FtpFindFirstFile", "ptr", hConnect, "str", SearchFile, "ptr", &WIN32_FIND_DATA, "uint", 0, "uint*", 0)) return this.FindData(WIN32_FIND_DATA, SizeFormat, SizeSuffix) VarSetCapacity(WIN32_FIND_DATA, 0) return false } FindNextFile(hFind, SearchFile := "*.*", SizeFormat := "auto", SizeSuffix := false) { VarSetCapacity(WIN32_FIND_DATA, (A_IsUnicode ? 592 : 320), 0) if (DllCall("wininet\InternetFindNextFile", "ptr", hFind, "ptr", &WIN32_FIND_DATA)) return this.FindData(WIN32_FIND_DATA, SizeFormat, SizeSuffix) VarSetCapacity(WIN32_FIND_DATA, 0) return false } FileTime(addr) { this.FileTimeToSystemTime(addr, SystemTime) this.SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(&SystemTime, LocalTime) return Format("{:04}{:02}{:02}{:02}{:02}{:02}" , NumGet(LocalTime, 0, "ushort") , NumGet(LocalTime, 2, "ushort") , NumGet(LocalTime, 6, "ushort") , NumGet(LocalTime, 8, "ushort") , NumGet(LocalTime, 10, "ushort") , NumGet(LocalTime, 12, "ushort")) } FileTimeToSystemTime(FileTime, ByRef SystemTime) { VarSetCapacity(SystemTime, 16, 0) if (DllCall("FileTimeToSystemTime", "int64*", FileTime, "ptr", &SystemTime)) return true return false } FormatBytes(bytes, SizeFormat := "auto", suffix := false) { static SFBS_FLAGS_ROUND_TO_NEAREST_DISPLAYED_DIGIT := 0x0001 static SFBS_FLAGS_TRUNCATE_UNDISPLAYED_DECIMAL_DIGITS := 0x0002 static S_OK := 0 if (SizeFormat = "auto") { size := VarSetCapacity(buf, 1024, 0) if (DllCall("shlwapi\StrFormatByteSizeEx", "int64", bytes, "int", SFBS_FLAGS_ROUND_TO_NEAREST_DISPLAYED_DIGIT, "str", buf, "uint", size) = S_OK) output := buf } else if (SizeFormat = "kilobytes" || SizeFormat = "kb") output := Round(bytes / 1024, 2) . (suffix ? " KB" : "") else if (SizeFormat = "megabytes" || SizeFormat = "mb") output := Round(bytes / 1024**2, 2) . (suffix ? " MB" : "") else if (SizeFormat = "gigabytes" || SizeFormat = "gb") output := Round(bytes / 1024**3, 2) . (suffix ? " GB" : "") else if (SizeFormat = "terabytes" || SizeFormat = "tb") output := Round(bytes / 1024**4, 2) . (suffix ? " TB" : "") else output := Round(bytes, 2) . (suffix ? " Bytes" : "") return output } InternetCloseHandle(hInternet) { if (DllCall("wininet\InternetCloseHandle", "ptr", hInternet)) return true return false } InternetConnect(hInternet, ServerName, Port := 21, UserName := "", Password := "", FTP_PASV := 1) { static INTERNET_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT := 21 static INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP := 1 static INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE := 0x08000000 if (hConnect := DllCall("wininet\InternetConnect", "ptr", hInternet , "ptr", &ServerName , "ushort", (Port = 21 ? INTERNET_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT : Port) , "ptr", (UserName ? &UserName : 0) , "ptr", (Password ? &Password : 0) , "uint", INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP , "uint", (FTP_PASV ? INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE : 0) , "uptr", 0 , "ptr")) return hConnect return false } InternetOpen(Agent, Proxy := "", ProxyBypass := "") { static INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT := 1 static INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY := 3 if (hInternet := DllCall("wininet\InternetOpen", "ptr", &Agent , "uint", (Proxy ? INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY : INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT) , "ptr", (Proxy ? &Proxy : 0) , "ptr", (ProxyBypass ? &ProxyBypass : 0) , "uint", 0 , "ptr")) return hInternet return false } OpenFile(hConnect, FileName, Access) { static FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY := 2 if (hFTPSESSION := DllCall("wininet\FtpOpenFile", "ptr", hConnect, "ptr", &FileName, "uint", Access, "uint", FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY, "uptr", 0)) return hFTPSESSION return false } SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(SystemTime, ByRef LocalTime) { VarSetCapacity(LocalTime, 16, 0) if (DllCall("SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime", "ptr", 0, "ptr", SystemTime, "ptr", &LocalTime)) return true return false } } ; ===============================================================================================================================
Then us this code to run itWrites a file to the server.Code: Select all - Toggle Line numbers
hFTP := FTP.Open("AHK-FTP") hSession := FTP.Connect(hFTP, "", 21, "user", "passwd") FTP.PutFile(hSession, "C:\Temp\testfile.txt", "testfile.txt") FTP.Disconnect(hSession) FTP.Close(hFTP)
Retrieves a file from the server.Code: Select all - Toggle Line numbers
hFTP := FTP.Open("AHK-FTP") hSession := FTP.Connect(hFTP, "", 21, "user", "passwd") FTP.GetFile(hSession, "testfile.txt", "C:\Temp\testfile.txt") FTP.Disconnect(hSession) FTP.Close(hFTP)
Retrieves the file size of the requested FTP resource.Code: Select all - Toggle Line numbers
hFTP := FTP.Open("AHK-FTP") hSession := FTP.Connect(hFTP, "", 21, "user", "passwd") MsgBox % FTP.GetFileSize(hSession, "testfile.txt") FTP.Disconnect(hSession) FTP.Close(hFTP)
Deletes a file from the server.Code: Select all - Toggle Line numbers
hFTP := FTP.Open("AHK-FTP") hSession := FTP.Connect(hFTP, "", 21, "user", "passwd") FTP.DeleteFile(hSession, "testfile.txt") FTP.Disconnect(hSession) FTP.Close(hFTP)
Creates a new directory on the server.Code: Select all - Toggle Line numbers
hFTP := FTP.Open("AHK-FTP") hSession := FTP.Connect(hFTP, "", 21, "user", "passwd") FTP.CreateDirectory(hSession, "Test_Folder") FTP.Disconnect(hSession) FTP.Close(hFTP)
Changes the client's current directory on the server.Code: Select all - Toggle Line numbers
hFTP := FTP.Open("AHK-FTP") hSession := FTP.Connect(hFTP, "", 21, "user", "passwd") FTP.SetCurrentDirectory(hSession, "Test_Folder") FTP.Disconnect(hSession) FTP.Close(hFTP)
Returns the client's current directory on the server.Code: Select all - Toggle Line numbers
hFTP := FTP.Open("AHK-FTP") hSession := FTP.Connect(hFTP, "", 21, "user", "passwd") MsgBox % FTP.GetCurrentDirectory(hSession) FTP.Disconnect(hSession) FTP.Close(hFTP)
Deletes a directory on the server.Code: Select all - Toggle Line numbers
hFTP := FTP.Open("AHK-FTP") hSession := FTP.Connect(hFTP, "", 21, "user", "passwd") FTP.RemoveDirectory(hSession, "Test_Folder") FTP.Disconnect(hSession) FTP.Close(hFTP)
Enumerate all Files in root directory. (!!! EXPERIMENTAL !!!)Code: Select all - Toggle Line numbers
hFTP := FTP.Open("AHK-FTP") hSession := FTP.Connect(hFTP, "", 21, "user", "passwd") for k, File in FTP.FindFiles(hSession) MsgBox % File.FileName FTP.Disconnect(hSession) FTP.Close(hFTP)
Enumerate all Files in a subdirectory. (!!! EXPERIMENTAL !!!)Code: Select all - Toggle Line numbers
hFTP := FTP.Open("AHK-FTP") hSession := FTP.Connect(hFTP, "", 21, "user", "passwd") for k, File in FTP.FindFiles(hSession, "/Folder 2") MsgBox % File.FileName FTP.Disconnect(hSession) FTP.Close(hFTP)
Enumerate all Folders in root directory. (!!! EXPERIMENTAL !!!)Code: Select all - Toggle Line numbers
hFTP := FTP.Open("AHK-FTP") hSession := FTP.Connect(hFTP, "", 21, "user", "passwd") for k, Folder in FTP.FindFolders(hSession) MsgBox % Folder.FileName FTP.Disconnect(hSession) FTP.Close(hFTP)
Enumerate all Folders in a subdirectory. (!!! EXPERIMENTAL !!!)Code: Select all - Toggle Line numbers
hFTP := FTP.Open("AHK-FTP") hSession := FTP.Connect(hFTP, "", 21, "user", "passwd") for k, Folder in FTP.FindFolders(hSession, "/Folder 2") MsgBox % Folder.FileName FTP.Disconnect(hSession) FTP.Close(hFTP)