Friday, June 17, 2022

Linux Permission Quick Reference


PermissionCommand ExamplesDescription
rwx rwx rwxchmod 777 filename
chmod -R 777 dir
All can read, write, execute.
rwx rwx r-xchmod 775 filename
chmod -R 775 dir
Owner & Group can read, write, execute. All else can read and execute.
rwx rwx r–chmod 774 filename
chmod -R 774 dir
Owner & Group can read, write, execute. All else can read.
rwx r-x r-xchmod 755 filename
chmod -R 755 dir
Owner can read, write, execute. All else can read and execute.
rwx — —chmod 700 filename
chmod -R 700 dir
Owner can read, write, execute. All else have no any rights.
rw- rw- rw-chmod 666 filename
chmod -R 666 dir
All can read and write.
rw- rw- r–chmod 664 filename
chmod -R 664 dir
Owner & Group can read, write. All else can read.
rw- r– r–chmod 644 filename
chmod -R 644 dir
Owner can read, write. All else can read.