
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Update Bitlocker recovery password

 CMD prompt (as administrator)


First, get the current password ID (assuming C: drive)

manage-bde c: -protectors -get -type RecoveryPassword

System comes back with a value, in this example it is {C18DE14-177B-4BF2-AEC-798C7B888F5}  


Select/Copy that key and include the parenthesis


Now we delete the current password.  Enter the command below, then paste in the ID key you copied above.

manage-bde c: -protectors -delete -id {YourKeySelectedAbove}

System should come back with a “key protector with ID XXX deleted”


Now create a new key.  This command will generate a new random key

manage-bde c: -protectors -add -rp

System has generated a new numerical password ID and recovery password.  

If on AD, this will update automatically.

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