
Monday, May 6, 2019

Avaya Nortel 1100 Series One Touch Dial

If you have an 1140 1120 1160 phone on SIP you can add a one touch dial button(s) to the phone with this procedure.

in the MAC address config file for the phone add in an entry with a file name of your choice


In the same location as the config file for your phone create the file name that you chose to use.
I've used "onetouch.txt" as my example file.

In that file you can put in the following below.
the "INDEX" value is the location on the phone you want this to appear.  So if you want it to show up on button position #4 on your LCD screen.  Put in 4.
The target is the number you want it to dial and the server you are dialing through.  In my example when they press button 4, it will dial the number 41880 at the PBX on
TYPE = spdial  (speed dial)
SUBJECT is optional.
LABEL = what the description of the button is on the LCD screen of the phone


The save the file.

Reload the config

You should now get a little circle with the name "Intercom" on the phone.  Press it and it will dial the number.  You can use full dial numbers if you want as well, not just internal dialing.

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