
Saturday, February 9, 2019

ISSABEL call center external URL

Issabel Contact Center module has the ability to push a URL to an queue agent's desktop that can correspond with the call they are being sent.

It can be fairly simple as having every call that comes in to an agents desk pop up a URL to your company web page or some sort of CRM homepage.

However the URL that is provided can be quite a bit more complex, as you can assign potential variables inside the URL to interact with the webpage, should it be compatible.

At time of writing, the only URL pop I can make work is the External Page (it creates a new web browser/tab for the call) vs keeping it embedded in the agents agent desktop screen.

The example I'm going to be using is having an agent be presented with a google search window

The assumption for this document is that you are using ISSABEL Call Center and using "callback" agents.  (although outbound and regular agents will work)

So lets create a URL

Call center - Outgoing Calls - External URLS - NEW URL

You'll be presented with a screen below:

URL template is the actual URL that you want to be pushed to the desktop

URL Description is how it will appear in select boxes further on in the setup

Open URL in = "new window"
(i haven't made frame or JSONP work yet)

Click on "SAVE

Now go to Incoming Calls - ingoing campaigns

Now this is a campaign that I'm going to assign to queue 5000 (that I've already configured in FreePBX)

All you do is select your External URL drop box and apply your changes.

Now when a call is delivered to and agent on queue 5000, that URL will be automatically pushed as long as they are logged into the agent console.

Make sure you enable POPups from your server. 

Now this might be useful to you, but here is a way that you might be able to make it more useful to yourself.

The URL that you put in the URL TEMPLATE can contain variables that are assigned in asterisk.

I'm going to use VTIGER ticket system as a demo.  Lets pretend you have a caller who wants to get an update of their ticket. If the agent searches the ticket through the vtiger crm system, the url for the ticket is:

So an an example, you can have an IVR that asks for a ticket number:
exten => s,1,Read(ticketnumber,then-press-pound,7,,1,10

Now "ticketnumber" is stored by asterisk as a variable specific to that call.

You have this url in your "URL" configuration that we did (instead of{ticketnumber}&app=SUPPORT

When the call is sent to the agent, asterisk will send the ticket number the user entered from the IVR as the variable that the HTTP code above will send.  And that exact ticket will show!

If you notice in a variable reference in the Url example of {ticketnumber}.  

1 comment:

  1. Como pegar informação do ramal na URLS Externa ?


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