
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Add unifi node to controller

1. Start a ping in a cmd prompt window. This will help you know when controller is up or down.

2. Login into UNFI device using putty via SSH.  (default is ubnt/ubnt) but if device is already acquired, System will give it custom password:

a. log into controller gui.
b goto 'settings button' on the lower left side
d. click on the the picture of the 'eye' to show the controller password.
e. note the user name that is assigned then you can ssh to the controller using the IP of the controller and the user/password shown on that page

3. From command prompt send the command:  This will reset the configuration of the node back to factory default. restore-default

Controller will now reboot.

4. Once controller is available again, SSH back in.  the user/password will now be " ubnt/ubnt"

5. Send the following command: Alter the "ip-of-controller" to the ip of your systems controller

set-inform http://IPofCONTROLLER:8080/inform
(example: set-inform

6. The device will appear ready for "pending adoption" in the controller. Click Adopt.

7. Wait for the 'Adopting' status to appear on the UniFi controller, then issue the set-inform command again.

8. The device should now change to a 'Provisioning' status and then connect shortly thereafter.

If the adoption failed, check this blog for "Unifi Adoption Failed" procedure that might work for you.

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