
Monday, April 4, 2016

Factory reset 1140 / 1120 phone

If I buy phones or am having issues I like to factory reset them first.  This doesn't change the firmware version they are on, only the settings that would be entered into make it work with a particular PBX.

On a Nortel/Avaya 1120e 1140e 1160 or 1230, you can do a factory reset of the configurations on the phone by typing in the pattern.


You would need to translate the A-F letters to their numeric phone keypad equivelent.  So if your phone MAC is 00AF34FE you would type it as:


You can type this most anytime during the boot process after you see the little “AVAYA” or “NORTEL” text show after it first powers up. 

The characters may not necessarily echo to the screen as you type them, but the phone is always monitoring for it.  
You will know that its successful if, within 10 seconds of pressing ## the phone will either automatically reboot or it will ask you to "Reset to factory". If it doesn't, verify the MAC and repeat the process.

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