
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Install the Active Directory Users and Computers Using the Command Line

You can install the Active Directory console on Windows 10 via the Сommand prompt (DISM tool) or with PowerShell. To verify if the RSAT ActiveDirectory feature is installed, open a command prompt as an administrator, and run the command:

DISM.exe /Online /Get-CapabilityInfo /CapabilityName:Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~~

Capability Identity : Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~~
Name : Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools
State : Not Present
Display Name : RSAT: Active Directory Domain Services and Lightweight Directory Services Tools
Description : Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) Tools include snap-ins and command-line tools for remotely managing AD DS and AD LDS on Windows Server.
Download Size : 5.23 MB
Install Size : 17.35 MB

dsa.msc windows 10

The screenshot above shows the RSAT Active Directory feature is not installed. To install, you need to run the command:

DISM /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~~

active directory snap in

Now check the status of AD RSAT. It should be changed to State: Installed.

install dsa.msc

Use PowerShell cmdlets to install the Active Directory snap-in on Windows 10.

Get RSAT Active Directory component status:

Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "RSAT.ActiveDirectory*"}

Install it:

Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~~

mmc active directory

RSAT components are downloaded over the Internet from Windows Update servers. 

This will install the Bitlocker tab that lets you see codes assigned to the users machines if you use this feature

Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name Rsat.BitLocker.Recovery.Tools~~~~

It is installed in Windows Administrative Tools

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Reopen a browser tab that was accidently closed

CTRL + SHIFT + T    (Chrome or Edge)

or if in Edge, 

Right click a tab and select "Reopen Closed Tab"

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Connect PTZ Optics camera to OBS using network RTSP

Cameras like PTZ Optics or similar can be connected to OBS using the RTSP protocol.

In the PTZ optics cameras, there is an RTSP protocol enabled.  

If you want to connect your cameras via the network, you can use this method:

By default, it uses port 554

Make sure that RTSP is enabled and changes applied

Create a media source in OBS

DESELECT "LocalFile"

DESELECT "Restart Playback when source become available"

and put in the following information in the "INPUT" box


Select "OK" 

Wait a couple of seconds, the video should show up. , there is a network delay in this video, so unless all your cameras use the same methodology it may or may not be the right solution for you.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Stream SRT with OBS or between OBS instances

across internet or local LAN


On source OBS put in the following in stream settings

On destination OBS
create a "media source"
UNCHECK "Local File"
Uncheck "Restart playback when source becomes active"
for "INPUT" put in the following syntax


On your source OBS system, go to the stream settings and put in the following:


(This example we are using port 37491, but you can use any port)

Your Destination will need to be setup before you can successfully stream.  


In OBS, we'll create a new scene called called "SRT LISTENER

and inside sources we'll create a Media Source 


Uncheck "Restart playback when source becomes active"

in "INPUT" we'll put in the following syntax


In this example, OBS is running on a computer with the ip of, so that is the IP we put in the OBS system.  We'll define the port, we are using 37491 in this example. 
The Syntax will look like:


8> Select OK

Assuming the receiving end is ready, press "START STREAMING" on your source OBS and it show the green box in the lower right corner of OBS.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

stop xorg process

The XORG process is for the xwindows desktop.  If you dont need it, assume maybe you are only using terminal to access this box and not using the GUI, you can stop/start/restart it with these commands

To Stop X.Org Server:

sudo service lightdm stop

To Start X.Org Server:



sudo service lightdm start

To Restart X.Org Server:

sudo service lightdm restart

Friday, June 17, 2022

Linux Permission Quick Reference


PermissionCommand ExamplesDescription
rwx rwx rwxchmod 777 filename
chmod -R 777 dir
All can read, write, execute.
rwx rwx r-xchmod 775 filename
chmod -R 775 dir
Owner & Group can read, write, execute. All else can read and execute.
rwx rwx r–chmod 774 filename
chmod -R 774 dir
Owner & Group can read, write, execute. All else can read.
rwx r-x r-xchmod 755 filename
chmod -R 755 dir
Owner can read, write, execute. All else can read and execute.
rwx — —chmod 700 filename
chmod -R 700 dir
Owner can read, write, execute. All else have no any rights.
rw- rw- rw-chmod 666 filename
chmod -R 666 dir
All can read and write.
rw- rw- r–chmod 664 filename
chmod -R 664 dir
Owner & Group can read, write. All else can read.
rw- r– r–chmod 644 filename
chmod -R 644 dir
Owner can read, write. All else can read.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Using X32 AUX outputs as Bus Sends

On an X32 Compact, Rack or Producer you don't have as many BUS sends as on a full size console.  Internally in the mixer, they are all there, but are limited physical outputs on the mixer.

This gives an example routing change to use the AUX outputs as additional BUS ouptus.

Set BUS output 7-8 to Mix bus 7-8 (picture)
This gets you BUS outs 1-8 on your rack useful for monitors or IEM.

Set MAIN L/R to AUX 5-6 (picture)

This sets the L/R output to now go out your AUX 5-6 outputs (you'll want a TRS->XLR adapter to connect to your speakers likely)

Set BUS output 9-12 to AUX out 1-4 (picture)

This gets your 4 more outputs for BUS sends for monitors or IEM

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

X32 Rack as a stage box to an X32 Console

This doc contains 2 files and makes your X32 Rack become a standalone stage box controlled by your X32 console via AES50.  

When in operation, the X32 Rack is autonomous.  No interaction to the X32 Rack is necessary from a control perspective.  Everything, including gains, are controlled at the console.

Features of these config files

BUS 1-8 on both X32Rack and X32 console are duplicated (you can use either output, or both simultaneously) to an IEM or wedge for example.

BUS 9-16 available on the X32 console (full size) for additional output for monitors or IEMs.

AUX 1-4 IN on the X32 RACK are available for input. (5-6 used at the X32 Console)

AUX 5-6 IN on the X32 Console are available as input locally (local playback device as example)

MAIN L/R has been moved to AUX OUT 5/6 to free BUS 7/8 for additional outputs like IEMs.  You will need 1/4 TRS -> XLR adapter likely for your FOH speaker system. 
Instructions below how to restore BUS 7/8 to be MAIN L/R output

AUX 1-3 OUT on X32 Rack and X32 console are duplicated. (you can use either output, or both simultaneously)



Here is a picture of how its mapped (click to make it bigger)



Download the two scene file, one for the X32 Rack and one for X32 Console, and load the scene files into your systems.

Configuration files are on google drive.  


On the the X32 RACK, set "Synchronization" to be on AES50 A  (assuming you are using the A connection)

NOTE - If you decide to use the rack as a 'normal' mixer and not a stage box, this configuration will need to be set back manually to "INTERNAL".


Set the X32 Rack's "HA REMOTE" to "AES50 PORT A" [located under SETUP -> PREAMPS]

That should be it!  

Plug a mic into an input 1-16 on your X32 Rack, and on your X32 Console you should be able to apply the gain on the console and the rack will respond accordingly.

Remember, the X32 RACK, in this mode, is autonomous.  Just do the changes on the console.  

Restore BUS 7/8 on X32 Rack to be MAIN L/R output

This file assigns all 8 bus outputs as BUS outputs, and sets Main L/R to be on AUX 5-6 out.  You can easily revert this feature to be normal config if that is what you are used to.

On the X32 Console:

Go to ROUTING -> OUT 1-16
Set the "OUTPUT" #7 and #8 to "MAIN L" and "MAIN R"

That will make Bus 7/8 on the rack the way it was from the factory if you prefer that.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

How To Mount USB Drive in linux

Mount USB Drive In Linux Using Command Line

1. Detect Plugged In USB Device

Once you plug in your USB device to your system USB port, run the following command to locate the USB device:

sudo lsblk

root@plex:/# sudo lsblk
loop7                       7:7    0  43.4M  1 loop /snap/snapd/14549
sda                         8:0    0   7.3T  0 disk
├─sda1                      8:1    0   128M  0 part
└─sda2                      8:2    0   7.3T  0 part

Now you can see the detected USB device named ‘sda’ which is 7.3TB (its an 8TB usb drive so this is correct).  Looking at the breakdown below it, you'll notice that there is a "sda2" that is set to 7.3TB, you'll mount that.

Your device name may differ on device name and size.

2. Create a Mount Point

Now we need to give this USB drive its location name in linux.  
I'm going to put this in the "media" section, giving the USB drive a unique name "mediadrive".  

sudo mkdir /media/mediadrive

However, creating a directory to mount and access a drive is an optional step, you can also directly attach it to ‘/media’ directory.

3. Mount USB Drive To Mount Point

We’re now ready to link the USB device to the Linux filesystem and access its data. To do the same, we’ll use the ‘mount’ utility program. Replace sda2 with the drive name that matches your USB drive.

sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/mediadrive

4. Check For The Device Mounted

Run the command below.  You should now see the mounted name showing up in the list.  

sudo lsblk

root@plex:/media# sudo lsblk

sda                         8:0    0   7.3T  0 disk
├─sda1                      8:1    0   128M  0 part
└─sda2                      8:2    0   7.3T  0 part /media/mediadrive
sdb                         8:16   0 232.9G  0 disk
├─sdb1                      8:17   0     1M  0 part
├─sdb2                      8:18   0     1G  0 part /boot
└─sdb3                      8:19   0 231.9G  0 part
  └─ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv 253:0    0   100G  0 lvm  /
You'll notice that /media/mediadrive is showing up in list.

Now you should be able to change to that location and see the media inside

cd /media/mediadrive

Export Your PLEX server library media names in Linux or Windows


Make yourself the ROOT user

sudo -i

Verify the location of the "Plex Media Scanner" location.  Depends on the flavor of linux, but usually in in:


but use this command if you cant find it find / -name "Plex Media Scanner"

Update the path to allow the scanner access to related files.

export PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_APPLICATION_SUPPORT_DIR="/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support"

Now we are ready to run the scanner.  This command will give you the libraries you can export:

/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex\ Media\ Scanner --list

This will list of your Libraries, each assigned with a number. something like this as an example:

1: Movies   
2: TV Shows 
3: Music
4: Videos

This example is "Movies", so a "1" will be used for the "--section" argument in the next line

/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex\ Media\ Scanner --list --section 1

You'll get a list of movies and folders it has and you can copy /paste it.  
If you want to output it to a file you can use a command like this:

/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex\ Media\ Scanner --list -section 1 > plexlist.txt


You can also do this from windows if you do the following:

  1. Goto the default plex directory from a command prompt
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Plex\Plex Media Server"

  2. Enter in the command"
    "Plex Media Scanner.exe" --list

  3. You'll get a  list of available libraries.
    "Plex Media Scanner.exe" --list -section 1

  4. You can print it to the cmd interface, or you can print it to a directory
    "Plex Media Scanner.exe" --list -section 1 > plexlist.txt

Monday, January 31, 2022

Update ubuntu server from command line

Here's how to update Ubuntu Server as of January 2022

These 3 commands in this order:

sudo apt update

apt list --upgradable

sudo apt upgrade

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Deleted photos showing up in Microsoft start menu thumbnails

 Why Microsoft chose this feature is beyond me.  Zero thought.  Doesn't refresh and shows pictures that you deleted from your computer.  Stupid.  Here's how you fix it in Windows 10 at least.

Go to 


The photos that Microsoft chose to continuously show for no reason is stored here.  Delete the images.

Then in your start menu, you may need to right click on the photo icon in the start menu and select "TURN LIVE TLE OFF" (then turn it back on to refresh)